Member Information

Orchestra Policies in Brief

The Symphony of the Potomac does not tolerate discrimination, inappropriate behavior, or sexual harassment, and will take prompt corrective action to remedy any such offense.

This is a summary of the orchestra's policies on attendance and performances. The full policies statement is available to members by request from the officers or personnel manager.

Joining the Orchestra

All musicians wishing to join the orchestra must audition for the Music Director. We hold open auditions at the beginning of the season, but will arrange auditions during the season as necessary, depending on the availability of the Director.

While we always encourage members to invite additional qualified musicians to join us, all such invitations must be discussed with the Music Director. In addition, the librarian must be contacted at least a week in advance to ensure parts will be available for the new member(s).

Membership Dues

The Symphony of the Potomac is a self-supporting, non-profit organization. We rely on many hours of volunteer work by our members to help keep our expenses low. Dues are required of all volunteer musicians, including students. See Member Dues below on this page.

Performance at All Season Concerts

We expect that you will perform at all regular season concerts and attend all rehearsals unless you inform us otherwise. If you decide that you will not play a particular concert, you must notify immediately:

  • Your section leader

  • Joel Lazar, Music Director

  • Spencer Tate, personnel manager

​Cell phones are not permitted to be visible on stage during concerts.


Regular rehearsals are held at Adat Shalom Congregation mostly on Thursday evenings, from 7:30 to 10:00 pm. Exceptions are noted on the Rehearsal Information page. However, last-minute notices may be sent via email, so all members should watch for such notices. Please ensure that you are receiving email from to be sure you get these alerts.

COVID-19 Protocols: See the Rehearsals page.

Rehearsal cancellation policy: See Bad Weather/Emergencies below on this page. 

The week before each concert, there is an additional rehearsal at Adat Shalom (7:30-10:00), in addition to the final rehearsal at the Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center (CAC). This additional rehearsal is mandatory. Our Sunday pre-concert warm-up starts 1.5 hours before the performance (1:30 for a 3 pm performance). All members should be on stage ready to play at that time.

Players having chronic problems with musical preparation or attendance may be asked to leave the orchestra.

​Concert Attire: Basic Black

Men: Black tuxedo or suite with white shirt and black bow tie, black socks and shoes.

Women: Long black dress or shirt with slacks or skirt. Sleeves should be elbow-length or longer with no cut-outs. Black stockings or socks and black shoes. Conservative jewelry is acceptable; please maintain your “basic black” dress. Black purses may be carried on stage but should be tucked under your seat and away from the audience.


All concert attendees over the age of 18, including families and friends of orchestra members, must have a paid ticket. Tickets are sold online.


All members must be sure that their current contact information (address/phone /email) are on record with the orchestra and librarian. Send updates to Members without a permanent mailing address will not be permitted to take music.

If you have music signed out and cannot attend a rehearsal or concert, you are responsible for making sure that your music or a copy gets to the rehearsal or concert so that your part can be played by a substitute.

String players must record their names (clearly) and the identifying number of all parts signed out on the sheet provided by the Librarian.

All printed music must be turned in immediately following each concert. You will be charged full replacement cost plus a processing fee for any music that is not returned immediately after the concert. If you must ship your music back to the librarian, we urge you to pay for a shipping service that includes a tracking number.

Member Dues

The Symphony of the Potomac is a self-supporting, non-profit organization. We rely on many hours of volunteer work by our members to help keep our expenses low.

The rental of our concert hall, rehearsal space and printed music are a major expense for the orchestra, and these are only partially covered by annual membership dues of $100.00 (for 2023-2024). We ask that dues be paid by all volunteer musicians, including students, prior to signing out music. If this is a financial burden for you, please speak with the orchestra’s president.

All members are encouraged to volunteer their time and talents to help support our concert season and keep our member dues low. We are also very grateful to the members who have made donations to the orchestra.

Personnel Information Form

All members must also submit a Personnel Information Form at the beginning of the fall concert season.

The SOTP Chamber Players

The SOTP Chamber Players is a variable collection of orchestra members creating groups and performing music in a variety of settings. The groups vary for each performance, but in the past have included:

  • string quartets

  • piano trios and quartets

  • woodwind groups

  • brass ensembles

These groups have performed in many local senior living residences, offering one-hour programs to entertain the members of these communities. This is an easy way to help the orchestra raise funds to cover the expense of rehearsals and concerts.

If you would like to participate, please contact Gillian Nave (cello).

Bad Weather/Emergencies

Rehearsals will be held whenever possible. If we must cancel a rehearsal, or if our rehearsal space is closing, we will send out notice via email and post it on the website. Such decisions will be made by 3 PM whenever possible. If the cancellation decision is made late in the day (after 5 PM), we will initiate a phone tree to get the message out, but please check your email before you leave for rehearsal.

If you are in doubt as to whether or not a rehearsal will take place, call the Music Director or your section leader. If a rehearsal is held but conditions in your neighborhood make it impossible for you to get there, please notify your section leader as you would for any absence.

Adat Shalom will not necessarily close its facilities if the Montgomery County Public School buildings are closed. SOTP management will be in touch with Adat Shalom and send out email announcements, but you can call them yourself at 301-767-3333.

If you are unsure about rehearsal status, you can call Joel, Spencer, or your section leader for a report.